Phytogen Blog

ASPS publishes a society newsletter, Phytogen, in order to reach our own members plus general readers with an interest in developments in Australian plant science. Phytogen is thus a vehicle for communicating new ideas, recent professional experiences, and forthcoming events. Routine items include: invitations to submit applications for Society awards that identify outstanding researchers, nominations for election of Corresponding members overseas, nominations for RN Robertson and JG Wood lectures, advance notice of plant science meetings and of course, reminders to renew subscriptions! Phytogen is published in electronic format as a blog, and is also summarised 2-3 times per year in a PDF and email newsletter format.  For content submissions contact Dr Janet Wheeler


Past Phytogen Editors: Dr Paul Kriedmann (1995-2001), Professor Helen Irving (2001-2013),  , Dr Gonzalo Estavillo, Adjunct Professor Tina Offler, Dr Christopher Cazzonelli (2013-2019), Georgia Koerber (2019-2023).


ASPS 2022 awards open and December Phytogen

Hello ASPS members, The December edition of Phytogen has been published and can be viewed HERE! The ASPS awards are now open. The Peter Goldacre Award applications close 28th March 2022. Details HERE. The Jan Anderson Award applications close 28th March 2022. Details HERE. The RN Robe
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December 2021 Phytogen – Science Meets Parliament 2022

Welcome to Phytogen for December 2021. Here is a piece by Peter Ryan about Science Meets Parliament in 2022. Dear ASPS Members, I would like to bring your attention to the 2022 Science Meets Parliament event organised by Science & Technology Australia (STA). STA is Australia’s pea
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ASPS 2021, Phytogen and GPC e-bulletin

Hello ASPS members, Reminding you the extended early bird registration and abstracts for ASPS 2021 close this Friday at 5 pm EST. Register or submit an abstract HERE. The ASPS AGM is virtual again for 2021 held on Friday 26th November at 12 noon EST. Our October issue of Phytogen is o
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Hello ASPS members, Reminding you the extended early bird registration and abstracts for ASPS 2021 close this Friday at 5 pm EST. Register or submit an abstract HERE. The ASPS AGM is virtual again for 2021 held on Friday 26th November at 12 noon EST. Our October issue of Phytogen is o
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October Phytogen – Time to register for ASPS2021

Welcome to Phytogen for October 2021. On the weekend it was World Food day, very significant in this Year of Fruits and Vegetables.  To get you thinking about food, you might like to watch Matt Tucker from the University of Adelaide explaining how crops have developed over hundreds o
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ASPS needs you, September Phytogen, GPC e-Bulletin and ASPS 2021.

Hello ASPS members, We need your feedback on our ASPS Diversity and Inclusion policy. Details are in the current Phytogen issue including the policy document. You can then add you feedback HERE. Use this code 23190235    The September issue of Phytogen can be accessed HERE.  
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September 2021 Phytogen

Welcome to Phytogen for September 2021. It is two months until our meeting. Hope you are all managing to write and submit abstracts. Registration is now open for our 2021 ASPS hybrid conference on the 25th of November 2021. In the lead up, we would like to collect feedback from our me
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August 2021 Phytogen – National Science Week – That’s a Wrap.

Welcome to Phytogen for August 2021. Here is an article summarising many National Science Week events throughout August. Thank you all for your contributions and hard work. National Science Week has officially wrapped up for 2021. This year, the theme for ASPS events was “Plant
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Phytogen out now! GPC e-bulletin available too.

Hello ASPS members, The latest  Phytogen is available HERE! National Science Week in coming up. See what ASPS has on offer. Raise your national profile by submitting a 30 sec video The latest GPC e-bulletin is available HERE!  
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