Phytogen Blog

ASPS publishes a society newsletter, Phytogen, in order to reach our own members plus general readers with an interest in developments in Australian plant science. Phytogen is thus a vehicle for communicating new ideas, recent professional experiences, and forthcoming events. Routine items include: invitations to submit applications for Society awards that identify outstanding researchers, nominations for election of Corresponding members overseas, nominations for RN Robertson and JG Wood lectures, advance notice of plant science meetings and of course, reminders to renew subscriptions! Phytogen is published in electronic format as a blog, and is also summarised 2-3 times per year in a PDF and email newsletter format.  For content submissions contact Dr Janet Wheeler


Past Phytogen Editors: Dr Paul Kriedmann (1995-2001), Professor Helen Irving (2001-2013),  , Dr Gonzalo Estavillo, Adjunct Professor Tina Offler, Dr Christopher Cazzonelli (2013-2019), Georgia Koerber (2019-2023).


UNSW Top 5 Under 40 – Opportunity For Early Career Researchers (5 Yrs Since PhD and Under 40)

UNSW Top 5 Under 40 – Opportunity For Early Career Researchers (5 Yrs Since PhD and Under 40) UNSW and Radio National have partnered to provide an opportunity for early career researchers to apply to be part of a forum in early 2015 where you can showcase innovative ideas in sci
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“Like” Kwongan Foundation to promote UNESCO World-Heritage listing

   Dear all,   Last month, I made a “discovery”.  I admit that most people did that well before me, especially my students.  Better late than never, and I am now using FaceBook to promote the    I know that some of you
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Book your 2015 phenotyping experiment at The Plant Accelerator now

Book your 2015 phenotyping experiment at The Plant Accelerator now Do you work with crop plants? Are you interested in getting quantitative measurements of traits such as early vigour, nutrient and water use efficiency or salinity tolerance? The Plant Accelerator is part of the NCRIS
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About the newly created ASPS “Website & Communications Sub-Committee (WCSC)”

The “Website & Communications Sub-Committee (WCSC)” has been established at our last 2014 AGM. The main goal of the WCSC is to disseminate information related to ASPS and plant biology among the Society members and the general public. The WCSC is in charge of updating
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Inspiring Science

Inspiring Science     Inspiring Science is presented by Inspiring Australia (NSW) in partnership with City of Sydney. It is a monthly talk program that was launched during National Science Week. An account of the first meeting and a program of ongoing activities has been wri
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Mineral nutrition of native plants in our Biodiversity Hotspot in a global context

Mineral nutrition of native plants in our Biodiversity Hotspot in a global context Hans Lambers School of Plant Biology, The University of Western Australia, Australia South-western Australia was a part of Gondwanaland, and some of the most ancient parts of the Earth’ crust can be fou
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RN Robertson Travelling Fellowship report by Stephanie Watts-Williams

I arrived in Japan in late June, and it was already beginning to heat up, with relentless humidity and frequent rain. When I arrived on the express train into Tsukuba from Tokyo though, the weather seemed to fit nicely with the scene before my eyes – fields of rice paddies as far as t
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17th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey, Stephanie Watts-Williams

Stephanie Watts-Williams – 17th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey I was fortunate enough to be granted a Plant Nutrition Trust award, in order to attend the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey, in August. After a long journ
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Seed Ecology IV, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, by Lydia Guja

Lydia Guja —  Seed Ecology IV, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China   In June 2013, with financial support from the Plant Nutrition Trust, I travelled to Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China to attend the Seed Ecology IV conference.  The theme of the conference was ‘Seeds and t
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