Phytogen Blog

ASPS publishes a society newsletter, Phytogen, in order to reach our own members plus general readers with an interest in developments in Australian plant science. Phytogen is thus a vehicle for communicating new ideas, recent professional experiences, and forthcoming events. Routine items include: invitations to submit applications for Society awards that identify outstanding researchers, nominations for election of Corresponding members overseas, nominations for RN Robertson and JG Wood lectures, advance notice of plant science meetings and of course, reminders to renew subscriptions! Phytogen is published in electronic format as a blog, and is also summarised 2-3 times per year in a PDF and email newsletter format.  For content submissions contact Dr Janet Wheeler


Past Phytogen Editors: Dr Paul Kriedmann (1995-2001), Professor Helen Irving (2001-2013),  , Dr Gonzalo Estavillo, Adjunct Professor Tina Offler, Dr Christopher Cazzonelli (2013-2019), Georgia Koerber (2019-2023).


Homeward Bound

 The Homeward Bound Initiative By Sandra Kerbler PhD Candidate at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, The University of Western Australia If you could change one thing in the world today, what would it be? I’m sure many of you reading this will be thinking of certain
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Cyclotides: small plant defence molecules to drive pharmaceutical innovation

COMBIO 2016 winner of the ASPS Student Poster Awards Georgianna Oguis Institute for Molecular Bioscience – University of Queensland, Australia Plants have evolved quite a number of ways to evade predators. An obvious strategy for an organism incapable of rapid movement out of da
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miR156-targeted SPLs as repressors for transfer cell development in Arabidopsis?

by Suong Nguyen, The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia Although it has been two months since ComBio2016, my memory of all the events occurring at the conference is still fresh as if they happened just yesterday. These were the feelings of admiration, fascination and enjoyment at
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An anniversary to remember by John Evans

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2016 Combio poster winner investigates the role of laccases of Botrytis cinerea during grape infection

by Aruni Buddhika, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW I am Aruni Buddhika, 2nd year PhD student from Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW.  My PhD research has focused on understanding the role of laccases of Botrytis cinerea during grape infection. I am investigating th
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Phyoten blog, call for New Phytologist Tansley Medal (early career researcher) and GPC e-bulletin for September

Your membership is paid to [wpmlfield name=”paidtodate”] (year, month, day). See John Evans speaking at the opening of the LT Evans Plant Growth Facility at the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines in our latest Phytogen blog post Calling all early-stage care
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John Evans speaking at the opening of the LT Evans Plant Growth Facility at the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, 21 January 2016

John Evans speaking at the opening of the LT Evans Plant Growth Facility at the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, 21 January 2016 (left). The opening took place during IRRI Science Week and John, Murray Badger, Spencer Whitney, Paul Quick and Florence Danila contribu
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Plants in Action 2 new chapters and PDF update

Your membership is paid to [wpmlfield name=”paidtodate”] (year, month, day). Hello ASPS members, Two new chapters have been added to the new edition of Plants in Action.  Chapter 4: Nutrient uptake from soils Chapter 12:  Sunlight and plant
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RN Robertson Travelling Fellowship – Report by Millicent Smith

Using P. vulgaris (common bean) as a model system my PhD research has focused on the impact of abiotic stress, particularly drought and phosphorus deficiency, on photosynthetic capacity and the translation of resources into a developing seed. Initial discussions with my PhD supervisor
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