Hello ASPS members,
As we adjust to different ways of living and working in this changing world alternative opportunities also arise. This year you can attend Plant Biology 2020 World Summit without having to travel to the northern hemisphere!
Plant Biology 2020 Worldwide Summit
July 27-31
Virtual event with talks, workshops, posters, networking events and virtual exhibit hall
All talks will be recorded for access on demand by registered participants, and virtual posters will be available for viewing shortly before, during, and after the meeting.
Note also that there are group rates that bring the cost down significantly
We also have two new PhD opportunities have been posted on our job board and can be viewed here.
Finally a member of the public has ask for help identifying a tree they saw on a trip to the west coast of Tasmania. Responses can be e-mailed to admin@asps.org.au , FB ASPSozplants or Twitter @asps_ozplants.