Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to alert you to the current call for applications for the AW Howard Research Fellowship, the Tim Healey Memorial Scholarship and a NEW AWARD, the AW Howard Memorial Trust Honours Scholarship. Details are available on the AW Howard Memorial Trust website
HOWARD FELLOWSHIPS – pastures – see
Many of you are familiar with the AW Howard Fellowships. These are top-up stipend awards for up to 3½ years for outstanding PhD students undertaking (or about to undertake) research on the development, management and use of pastures, including sown pastures, natural pastures and rangelands, forage crops and dual-purpose (grain plus grazing) crops, and including livestock production from pastures. The research field is not restricted to pasture agronomy but may include pasture-related natural sciences (including molecular biology, plant pathology, pasture plant systematics, ecology, soil science, weed science) and social science (including economics). Applicants must be Australian citizens or must have been resident in Australia for three years at the time of commencing PhD studies.
This is a new award. It is to be made annually on a competitive basis for one year during which a student will complete an honours degree at an Australian university in a field relevant to the development, management and/or use of pastures (including sown pastures, natural pastures and rangelands, forage crops and dual-purpose (grain plus grazing) crops, and including livestock production from pastures). Students must be Australian citizens or must have been resident in Australia for three years immediately prior to the year in which the honours project is to be undertaken. Up to 5 awards will be made each year, subject to the number and quality of applicants. Each scholarship is valued at up to $8,000 ($5,000 stipend and up to $3,000 operating expenses).
TIM HEALEY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP – Australia’s farming industries – see
This PhD top-up stipend award for up to 3½ years, is for an outstanding student whose research will make a positive contribution to the improvement, modification, adaptation or increased understanding of Australia’s farming industries. A wide range of research areas are eligible, including farming systems (including climate adaptation and mitigation, on-farm salinity, sustainable resource utilisation, on-farm biodiversity); pastures; field crops; livestock management; soils or agronomy; farm business management; agricultural system-based woody crops; rural social research in relation to farming (including resilience); economic research in relation to farming; and historical research as it relates to formulation of future agricultural policy. International students may apply, but preference is given to Australian citizens or permanent residents.
We would welcome your help in bringing these awards to the attention of any prospective applicants. They need not be your own students, and you would be welcome to forward this message to any colleague whom you think may be interested. Please advise prospective applicants to READ CAREFULLY the respective PURPOSES of the awards. PhD students may apply for both the AW Howard Memorial Trust Research Fellowship and the Tim Healey Memorial Scholarship; however, only one award will be made to a successful applicant. We expect that competition for Honours Scholarships will be strong, and while there is no age limit we will give preference to outstanding younger applicants who aspire to an ongoing career in pasture research.
Applications for the Honours Scholarships close on 30 September 2017, and for the other awards on 30 October 2017. Successful candidates may anticipate advice on Honours Scholarships by early November 2017 and the other awards by early December 2017.
Further inquiries can be made to the Howard Trust’s Executive Officer at the South Australian Research and Development Institute, telephone (08) 8303 9401, Email:
With regards,
John Radcliffe